entypo+ icons webfont widget for axure

The latest version of the widget library based on Entypo+ icons is now using Axure's web font feature

What is new?

  • You can change the size of the icons, their style and properties... without any quality loss
  • 14 icons have been added to the library
  • the default size is now 36 pt, which fits better the responsive design including touch devices projects (you can modify the size easily anyway)

How to?

Since Entypo does not come as a web font itself, I had to first convert the svg icons to a web font. I used Fontastic.me to do so. It is important that you use the files that are provided in the .zip archive with the widget library (otherwise the font mapping will not work).

  1. Install the font on your system from the folder webfont/fonts
  2. deploy online both the .css file and the fonts (you need to edit the .css file to update the path to your font files)
  3. add the link to the .css file inside your Axure project configuration


Download Entypo + library for Axure (zip)

Entypo pictograms are licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Original icons package is available on Entypo's website: Entypo pictograms by Daniel Bruce – www.entypo.com.

SVG library Entypo V2.0 is available here.