Karine Cardona Experience design leadership - Practitioner coaching
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Axure widget library and speed puzzling notebooks

I found very satisfying to create widget libraries for Axure and share them with the community when I used to wireframe a lot with it. I am into speed puzzling now, but still can’t resist creating tools I find useful. You might enjoy them too :)

Entypo+ icons webfont widget for Axure

The widget library is using Axure’s web font feature. The icons default size is 36 pt, which fits better the responsive design work including touch devices projects. With this last version, you can:

  • change the size of the icons, their style and properties... without any quality loss
  • use 14 new icons (compared to entypo)

How to install?

Since Entypo does not come as a web font itself, I had to first convert the svg icons to a web font. I used Fontastic.me to do so. It is important that you use the files that are provided in the .zip archive with the widget library (otherwise the font mapping will not work).

  1. Install the font on your system from the folder webfont/fonts
  2. deploy online both the .css file and the fonts (you need to edit the .css file to update the path to your font files)
  3. add the link to the .css file inside your Axure project configuration

Entypo pictograms are licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Original icons package is available on: www.entypo.com.

Download Entypo+ for Axure library

Speed puzzling products and projects

What started as a xmas tradition turned into a serious hobby, and a more serious pet project. Notebooks are available already, original puzzles might come some day.

Book cover that shows the title inside a large yellow jigsaw puzzle piece in 3D, with on the background an assembled puzzle.

Benchmark your skills against the best jigsaw puzzlers

A logbook to track your progress that includes official results from the 2023 world championships for individuals, pairs and teams, some tips if you are new to speed puzzling and practice sheets

Available on Amazon
Book cover that shows the title inside a large yellow jigsaw puzzle piece, with on the background an assembled puzzle.

Puzzles logbook for speed puzzlers

Practice sheets with a dedicated space for notes, and a blank table of content for easy organisation. This logbook is the ideal companion of our speed puzzling 2024 book, so you can practice with your own puzzles.

Available on Amazon
Coming soon

What kind of jigsaw puzzler are you?

Are you an occasional, regular or seasoned jigsaw puzzler? I am interested in your experience. Would you be willing to spend a few minutes answering a short survey? Add your contact email bellow so I can send it to you when it is ready.

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